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发布时间: 2024-07-01 08:40 更新时间: 2025-01-19 13:30


Recently, the Department of Commerce of Zhejiang Province and the Zhejiang Foreign Contracting Engineering Chamber of Commerce led a delegation from Zhejiang, consisting of 8 enterprises including SUPCON, Zhejiang Construction Investment Group, Zetastone Cable, Dahua Technology, and others, to attend the 15th International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum & Exhibition in Macao.


The International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum is co-hosted by the China International Contractors Association and the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Agency. It is one of the most prestigious, largest-scale, and most influential industry events in global infrastructure and industrial cooperation. This forum edition was attended by over 3,500 industry representatives from more than 70 countries and regions, representing more than 800 institutions. SUPCON and Zhejiang's exhibition area covered a total of 150 square meters, showcasing the leading achievements of Zhejiang enterprises in digital intelligence technology, process automation, and environmental protection materials. These displays sparked enthusiastic discussions and attention among the representatives from various sectors who visited the exhibition.


At this exhibition, SUPCON displayed its  leading "1+2+N" Smart Plant Architecture along with a series of products such as OMC, APL industrial network solution, the newly released universal control system(UCS), SIS, PLC, instrumentation, control valves, and analyzers. These technologies and products are aimed at helping enterprises to achieve process automation and business automation, garnering significant attention and praise, adding a touch of bright color to the exhibition.

中控技术展台还吸引到众多国内外领导的关注,澳门特别行政区行政长官贺一诚,中华全国妇女联合会常务委员、澳门妇女联合总会永远会长贺定一,玻利维亚可再生能源署副部长Sergio Hinojosa Avila等莅临中控技术展台参观,对公司展示的创新技术和产品方案给予了高度评价。

SUPCON's booth also attracted the attention of leaders from both domestic and international. The Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region, Ho Iat Seng, a Standing Committee Member of the All-China Women's Federation and the Permanent President of the Women's General Association of Macao, He Dingyi, the Deputy Minister of the Bolivian Agency for Renewable Energy, Sergio Hinojosa Avila, and other officials visited SUPCON's booth and highly praised its innovative technologies and product solutions.


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